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Wifi Explorer 2 5 5 Cr2 Download

Enterprise Browser is a powerful, next-generation industrial browser, enabling developers to build feature-rich web applications that integrate seamlessly with the features in Zebra Technologies mobile computers and peripherals - such as barcode scanning, signature capture, printing and more. WiFi Explorer Pro 2.2.2 Categories: Software » Mac WiFi Explorer Pro takes the code base of WiFi Explorer, and adds a set of features that makes it the right tool for WLAN and IT professionals.

Package Description

The essential multiplatforms tools for any ESP8266 developer from luatool author’s, including a LUA for NodeMCU and MicroPython. Also, AT commands are supported.
Required JAVA (SE version 7 and above) installed.

Supported platforms

Windows(x86, x86-64)
Linux(x86, x86-64, ARM soft & hard float)
Solaris(x86, x86-64)
Mac OS X(x86, x86-64, PPC, PPC64)

Detailed features list

  • Syntax highlighting LUA and Python code
  • Code editor color themes: default, dark, Eclipse, IDEA, Visual Studio
  • Undo/Redo editors features
  • Code Autocomplete (Ctrl+Space)
  • Smart send data to ESP8266 (without dumb send with fixed line delay), check correct answer from ESP8266 after every lines.
  • Code snippets
  • Detailed logging
  • and more, more more…

Tutorials for NodeMCU firmware


Tutorials for MicroPython firmware

  • Not yet

Recomended hardware for advanced users by ESPlorer developer

Recomended hardware for starting fastest by ESPlorer developer

ESPlorer Downloads


For donations by credit/debit card, eWallet, or internet banking (selected countries), please click on PayPal Donation Button.

Bug reports and discuss

  • esp8266.com on English
  • esp8266.com on English
  • esp8266.ru на русском


At now, in progress — MicroPython supporting. Notelife 1 0 5 – premium note manager resume.


  • rsyntaxtextarea updated from 2.5.6 to 2.5.8

Wifi Explorer 2 5 5 Cr2 Download Windows 7


  • Microchip RN2483 (low-power long-range LoRa tehnology transceiver module) supporting


  • MicroPython firmware autodetection
  • MicroPython syntax highlighting
  • MicroPython files extensions *.py and *.pyc added
  • MicroPython SendToESP command (send current file from editor window to ESP8266, ALT+E)
  • MicroPython SendLine command (send one line from editor window to ESP8266, ALT+L)
  • MicroPython SendBlock command (send selected block from editor window to ESP8266, ALT+B)
  • MicroPython Coomands Tab: GPIO reading and writing, WiFi and TCP connetions)
  • MicroPython Snippets (user editable code blocks, buttons for fast executing)
  • MicroPython manual entered commands history
  • MicroPython code autocomplete CTRL+SPACE
  • Show/Hide editor window for using as simple colored terminal
  • Show/Hide terminal window for full-screen code editing
  • Bugs fix


  • add skin selector (standart java LookAndFeel, platform depended)
  • firmware autodetection can be disabled (new option on «Settings» tab)
  • decreased minimum window size for low-res screens


  • add new cool ESP FileManager. Commands in popup menu: Run, Compile(New!), View(old Cat), Edit(New!), Download(New!), Rename(New!), Remove (available commands depended file extension)
  • add «Upload file to ESP from disk» function (include binaries files) in left bottom panel
  • add «Download file from ESP to disk» function (include binaries files) in file manager
  • ESP files list ABC-autosorted
  • add new button FileSystemInfo (new command file.fsinfo() since firmware 20150311 and later)
  • add firmware autodetection after serial port open
  • add check communication with MCU after serial port open or «change speed on the fly»
  • change default window size to 1024×768 and new UI conception
  • change: in all buttons/command «Run» against «Do», «View» against «Cat»
  • expanded field for serial port name
  • add «CustomSerialPort» on «Settings» tab (if enable this, PortScan never execute)
  • add DTR and RTS buttons with LED
  • add CTS LED
  • add new «Links» menu
  • add NodeMCU specific right panel (Heap button, Chip Info button, Chip ID button, Flash ID button)
  • add toolbar Show/Hide command in «View» menu
  • inc size of toolbar buttons
  • add Snippets panel Show/Hide command in «View» menu
  • add FileManager panel Show/Hide command in «View» menu
  • add Right extra buttons panel Show/Hide command in «View» menu
  • add «Use external editor» option on «Settings» tab. All files ReadOnly
  • add «EOL» option — EOL visible in terminal window
  • add new mode for snippets: Condensed executing (please, do not use this mode if you use commands without left operand: «=node.heap()», but «x=node.heap» work ok)
  • fix AutoComplete (Ctrl+Space) bug for commands contains «.»
  • fix «AutoSave/AutoRestore setting enable/disable log window» bug
  • fix bug: exit app without save files
  • disable setting «AutoRun file after Save to ESP» (for do this — you can use new button «Save & Run» in 2.0.0-final version)
  • all settings autosave when changed and autorestored after app launch
  • window size autosave on close and autorestored after app launch
  • editor: tab size changed from 5 to 4
  • library rsyntaxtextarea updated to version 2.5.6
  • some code refactoring
  • improve stability
  • now semver.org versioning conception (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH)

v0.1 build 206

  • add file.format from NodeMCU 20150107
  • AutoMagic cleaning of CMD-History from Mike (DL2ZAP)
  • add several commands to Command combo-box

v0.1 build 205

  • ESPlorer — open source now!
  • add «TurboMode» feature. My tests: File size: 3300 byte, 100 lines, baud rate: 115200, Download time: 1.8 sec
  • Terminal window have syntaxhilighter too (as editor)
  • Java 7 & 8 compatible now

v0.1 build 204

  • add «AutoReConnect» feature: after port open on 9600, you can easy change port speed to other baud rate without running snippet
  • add new settings: max size for log and max size for terminal history for fixing «everything gets terrible slow» bug
  • rearrange snippets buttons, add «Snippet Cancel Edit» button
  • add snippets hotkey: for snippet0 — Alt+BackQuote, snippet1 — Alt+1, snippet9 — Alt+9, snippet10 — Alt+0, snippet11 — Alt+Minus, snippet12 — Alt+Equals, snippet13 — Alt+BackSlash, snippet14 — Alt+BackSpace, snippet15 — no hotkey.

v0.1 build 203

  • add AutoScroll Enable/Disable
  • add new serial port baud rates: 230400, 460800, 921600

v0.1 build 202

  • add «Inc/Dec font size» commands for editor, terminal and log windows
  • remove all terminal autoclear actions
  • bug fix (save settings)

v0.1 build 201

Wifi Explorer 2 5 5 Cr2 Download Torrent

  • add «Dumb Mode» for old-style sending data with line delay (see Settings tab)
  • add code snippets feature
  • add «Send current Line to ESP» command
  • settings, last used serial port & baud, last script folder autosave/autoload now
  • hotkeys revised

Wifi Explorer 2 5 5 Cr2 Download Free

v0.1 build 200

  • bugs fix
  • add commands history

Wifi Explorer 2 5 5 Cr2 Download 64-bit

v0.1 initial public version

Wifi Explorer 2 5 5 Cr2 Download
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